About Us

HK SHUA TRADE LIMITED is a leading independent distributor of electronic components in Sigapore and HK . We have been in this field 4 years and now we are the Member TBF, HK Inventory ,  We serve our customers all-around with our advantages of abundant inventory availability, completed series flexibility and professional technical-support!  Specializing in serving leading OEM/ODM/CEM electronic manufactures with supplying Active Parts (ICs, Memory, Chips, Diodes and Transistors etc.) and Passive parts (Capacitors, Resistors and Inductors etc.) We win our reputation by our quality parts and professional service! Look forward  to cooperate with you !
Address:Room 1512, 15/F, Lucky Centre, 165-171 Wanchai Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong   TEL:00852-56012962